Week 52: One Year in Austria

365 days ago we couldn’t believe we actually moved to Austria,
and we still can’t believe it a year later.

Today, we celebrate all the adventures we have had.
The trails we hiked.
The mountains we climbed up, skied down and paraglided from.
The sunsets.
The friendships.
The apfelstrudels… so many apfelstrudels!
The new language we sort of understand,
and the experiences that helped us grow individually and together.

Living abroad changes you. The things you see make you think differently. The environment you are in makes you act differently. The people you are surrounded with make you speak differently; It all happens so fast, you don’t even notice it until someone from back home mentions it.

Because of this experience,
we have been changed
for good.

This video is a montage of our best shots from our first year in Austria.

Thank you to everyone who follows our journey and reads the weekly recap. Watches, likes or shares our videos, and subscribes to our YouTube channel.

We are so grateful for the opportunity to live life abroad,
and excited to kickoff year two with two more visitors this weekend!

Sarah Hollis

Hello! I am Sarah, an Austria-based freelance art director and the founder of this blog, The Pack Mama.


Week 53: Year Two


Week 50-51